ZKTeco communication SDK 2013 (32-bit)

  • Обновлено: 23 февраля 2018
  • Версия:
  • Автор: ZKTeco
  • Лицензия: support users


SDK для сетевых устройств учета рабочего времени и контроля доступа ZKTeco. Содержит библиотеки, документацию разработчика, примеры использования для C# и VB.Net.


1.Add interface to support Pull protocol

2.Modify TCP communication problem on win8 64 bits operation system

3.Add SSR_SetDeviceData interface for TFT color terminals

4.Add SSR_GetDeviceData interface for TFT color terminals

5.Delete the SleepDevice introduction part of ,New SDK not have such function 

6.Change the install or uninstall sdk .bat file

1. To solve the problem of get the wrong group number with function "GetUserGroup" on TFT device.

2. To solve the problem of uploading 50 thousands users in batch update mode.

3. Updating the specification of function SetUserTZStr and GetUserTZStr.

4. Adding group verification and personal verification to AccessControl Demo. Adding "normal open & normal close" function to B&W AccessControl Demo.

5. Adding the specification of Attendance Photo function in TFT_SDK_Manual.

1. To solve the problem of supporting "Hot Plug" in USBClient communication. 

1. 64bit SDK is available.

Поддерживаемые сканеры и операционные системы 

  • (1) ZKTeco IFace devices.
  • (2) ZKTEco TFT Series devices.
  • (3) ZKTeco B&W Series devices